FBI grossly undercounts times armed citizens stopped shootings
A new report released by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows an impressive 34.4% of active shootings were thwarted by armed citizens between...
Gov. Hochul Bans Conceal Carry—Orthodox Jews Sue NY State
The Concealed Carry Improvement Act signed by NY Democratic Governor, Kathy Hochul, banned concealed-carry permit holders from carrying weapons into "sensitive locations" that include...
Brazil’s Solution to Criminal Gun Violence? More Guns.
We hear it all the time now from those who misunderstand the real cause of violence (hint: it is not in the gun, itself).
Florida Teacher of the Year on Real Cause of Gun Violence
Kelly Guthrie Raley, named Eustis Middle School Teacher of the Year 2017-2018, said what everyone else’s is too afraid to say. In a viral...
Naive Nativity’s Gun Violence Message
CNN reported on St. Susannah Parish's nativity scene message with this headline: "This nativity scene makes a statement about gun violence".
What drew attention to...
House Passes Conceal-Carry Reciprocity Bill
The House of Representatives passed The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act bill yesterday, which would validate concealed-carry permits across state lines. The fate of the...
Interstate Concealed-Carry Headed Toward House Floor
The US House of Representatives will be voting on a bill that would allow law-abiding citizens with a CCW permit to carry their guns...
More Gun Permits, Less Murders
FOX News reported on an interesting study by Philadelphia-based Crime Prevention Research Center which suggests the increase in handgun ownership for self-defense is deterring crime... specifically murders.
"Americans have increasing...
Police Chief: A Gun in the Hand Beats Calling a Cop
Police Chief Joe Massey is yet another Law Enforcement Office advocating gun ownership for self-defense after the violent rape of a 73-year-old woman in Waterville, Maine...