Should a Christian Carry a Gun?
Should a Christian carry a gun? It's not an easy answer for many, and for good reason.
Many sincere Christians wrestle with this issue due...
What does the Bible say about home defense?
Is it OK to defend your family and your home against thieves, murderers, rapists, meth-heads, and terrorists?
Thankfully, the bible speaks very clearly on this...
Jesus, Guns, and Self-Defense: What does the Bible say?
Gary Demar, from American Vision, republished an excellent article on Biblical self-defense in light of a few high-profile supposed "Evangelical leaders" voicing opposition through...
Should Christians Carry Concealed Weapons? – Moody Radio Debate
Jeff Tobler, editor of ChristianCCW (CCCW) and host of Eternal Promises Radio Show, was asked to debate Benjamin Corey on Julie Roys' "Up for...
Jerry Falwell Jr: “Let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here.”
Liberty University president, Jerry Falwell Jr., created controversy among Christians when he said, referring to terrorists: "Let's teach them a lesson if they ever...
Naive Nativity’s Gun Violence Message
CNN reported on St. Susannah Parish's nativity scene message with this headline: "This nativity scene makes a statement about gun violence".
What drew attention to...