Interstate Concealed-Carry Headed Toward House Floor


The US House of Representatives will be voting on a bill that would allow law-abiding citizens with a CCW permit to carry their guns legally into other states — without penalty.

What sparked such a bill are a number of cases where innocent concealed carry gun owners have been jailed or fined for simply crossing state lines while carrying. Just as states recognize marriage certificates and drivers licenses from other states, this is common sense legislation and hopefully will pass both houses.

Fox News reported:

Gun-rights supporters are eyeing a big win this week as a bill that would make concealed-carry permits valid across state lines heads to the House floor — though it faces long odds in the Senate amid deep-pocketed opposition from gun-control advocates. 

“This is just simple, common-sense legislation that says if you’re a law-abiding citizen … we’re not going to turn you into a criminal just for crossing an invisible state line,” bill sponsor Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., told “Fox News @ Night.” 

Hudson says the bill simply attempts to clarify the patchwork of state laws that confuse citizens who can unwittingly get arrested when traveling from state to state.

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